Module 1: Yoga Philosophy
Key Focus
Archaeological History of Yoga
1st and 2nd Limbs of Yoga
Ancient Yoga Philosophy
Introduction to Mantra
1.1 | Dravidian Peoples
1.2 | The Samkhya Philosophy
1.3 | Myths and Gods of India
1.4 | Veda and Vedanta
1.5 | Intro to Mantra
1.6 | The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
1.7 | Exam
Module 1 Overview
Required Materials
Yoga; The Certainty of Freedom (Yoga Sutra Workbook) - Vyaas Houston (click here)
Samkhya Karika - Isvara Krsna (click here)
Opening and Closing Mantras (click here)
Suggested Materials
The Myths and Gods of India by Alain Danielou (click here)
The Upanishads - (any translation)
The Bhagavad Gita - (any translation)
The Science of Yoga by I.K Taimni (click here)
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda (click here)
Audio discourse: Purpose of the 8 Limbs by David Garrigues (click here)
Shantih Mantras by Manju Jois (audio album)
Independent Study Opportunities (w/ instructor permission)
Yoga Sutras for Ashtanga Students
Module 1 | Lesson Plan
1.1 | Dravidian Peoples
1.2 | The Samkhya Philosophy
1.3 | Myths and Gods of India
1.4 | Veda and Vedanta
1.5 | Intro to Mantra
1.6 | The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
1.7 | Exam
Module 1.1 | Dravidian Peoples
Points of Focus
What is the historical significance of the Dravidian peoples as it relates to yoga?
Where are the Dravidian people now?
The “Aryan Invasion” of India and its historical significance
Saivism and Jainism; ancient religions of India
A culture of receptivity vs. a culture of domination
Module 1.2 | The Samkhya
Points of Focus
What makes yoga philosophy distinct from religious monism?
Why is Samkhya considered “non-theistic”?
Duality vs. Non-Duality
Explaining the three gunas and their role in yoga practice
Why did Samkhya decrease in popularity over time?
Module 1.3 | The Myths and Gods of India
Points of Focus
What is the relationship between Samkhya and Hinduism?
What were some religions of ancient India?
Was yoga once a part of Hinduism?
What is the Hindu Triad?
Module 1.4 | Veda and Vedanta
Points of Focus
Monism vs. Dualism
What is the difference between Veda and Vedanta?
Are the Vedas a part of yoga philosophy?
What is the Vedanta viewpoint regarding Samkhya?
Module 1.5 | Yoga Sutras
Points of Focus
What are the key points of Book 1 and Book 2 respectively?
According to Patanjali what is the cause of ignorance?
According to Patanjali what is the cause of suffering?
According to Patanjali, how do we overcoming suffering?
What are the 8 limbs of yoga?
Module 1.6 | Intro to Mantra
Points of Focus
Introduction to Sanskrit
Rhythm and tempo during mantras
5 basic mantras
Chanting in a group setting
Must a yoga class contain Mantra?
Mantras are a key component to bhakti yoga practice and facilitate breathing and meditation practices. In the teacher training we focus on 5 core mantras that are taught at Ashtanga Yoga School by David Garrigues. Our training also includes sanskrit chanting of the Yoga Sutras, and other Vedic Mantras. You must practice these matras alone or in a group setting to gain proficiency in pronunciation. It is recommended that you recite mantras with the added benefit of a tambura sound playing.
Module 1.7 | Exam #1
Exam Topics
Dravidian People
Samkhya Philosophy
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Supplemental Content
Purusha and Prakriti
Purusha (self) and Prakriti (non-self) are key points of focus in yoga philosophy. They are the duality showcased in the Samkhya philosophy. In the yoga sutras of patanjali it is stated that all ignorance comes from a misidentification of these two things.
Ahimsa (non-violence) is the first aspect of the first out of eight limbs of yoga. It is of special importance to living a yogic lifestyle.
Module 2: Foundations of Asana & Pranayama
Key Focus
3rd and 4th Limbs of Yoga
Standing Asana
Introduction to Pranayama
Asana Sequencing & Timing (Muhurtas & Krama)
2.1 | Anatomy
2.2 | Injuries
2.3 | Props
2.4 | Muhurtas
2.5 | Vayus
2.6 | Asana Foundations
2.7 | Surya Namaskara
2.8 | Standing Asana
2.9 | Pranayama
2.10 | Krama
Module 2 Overview
Required Materials
Functional Anatomy of Yoga by David Keil (click here)
Yoganatomy 30 hour Anatomy Course (click here)
Primary Series Practice Sheet (click here)
Surya Namaskara Practice Sheet (click here)
Suggested Materials
Ashtanga Yoga Practice and Philosophy by Gregor Maehle
The Heart of Yoga by TKV Desikachar
Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health by BKS Iyengar
The Key Muscles of Yoga by Ray Long
The Key Poses of Yoga by Ray Long
Yoga Mala by Pattabhi Jois
Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar
Light on Pranayama by BKS Iyengar
Primary Series Guide (click here)
Yoga Sutras for Ashtanga Students (click here)
Vayu Siddhi Secrets to Yogic Breathing A Guide to Ujjayi Breathing and Pranayama (click here)
Podcast: Outsmarting Pain in Practice (click here)
Podcast: Customizing your Practice is 7th Series (click here)
Independent Study Opportunities (w/ instructor permission)
Foundations First Asana Course
Module 2.1 | Anatomy
Points of Focus
Anatomical terms
Utilizing anatomy to prevent injuries and develop lasting relationships with students
Module 2.2 | Injuries
Points of Focus
How to prevent injuries
How to care for existing injuries
Communicating about injuries
Leadership as a teacher regarding injuries
Theory within yoga for how injuries manifest
Module 2.3 | Props
Points of Focus
Have your own personal prop “kit”
What props are necessary for basic asana?
What are some less common props?
How to utilize props
Module 2.4 | Muhurtas
Points of Focus
Time of day to practice
Relevance of circadian rhythms
Life/Work Balance
Moon Days & Yoga Holidays
The role of asana in lifespan development
Module 2.5 | Vayus
Points of Focus
Definitions of Energy as it relates to Human Being
Definition of Prana
Definition of Vayu
Definition of Chakra
Prana and Apana Vayu as it relates to Vinyasa or Hatha Yoga
Module 2.6 | Asana Foundations
Points of Focus
What is the purpose of asana as mentioned in the yoga sutras, as one aspect of the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga?
Does Asana “replace” other aspects of yoga that are more spiritual, or can asana itself be made into a spiritual practice?
What are the threats and risk to a life dedicated to asana practice, as opposed to other emphasis in yoga such as pranayama, bhakti, karma, or meditation?
Who is fit to practice asana?
What are the most basic asana sequences in the lineage of T. Krishnamacharya?
Module 2.7 | Surya Namaskara
Points of Focus
Vinyasa simplicity and clarity in practice
Vedic exercise vs. Yogic introspection
Ritualized asana sequencing
Sattva, Rajas, Tamas as it relates to motion
Module 2.8 | Standing Asana
Points of Focus
How to connect with the ground
Foundational and Standing Sequence of Ashtanga Yoga
How to strategically utilize gravity to our advantage
Static “States” vs. Dynamic “Transitions” in Asana
Module 2.9 | Pranayama
Points of Focus
When to practice pranayama
Pranayama as a compliment to asana
Basic Pranayama Sequence
Module 2.10 | Krama
Points of Focus
Basics of Sequencing Logic
Theories of Viniyoga, Ashtanga, Iyengar regarding sequencing
Duration and Speed
Age and Disability
Module 2.11 | Exam #2
Exam Topics
note: Anatomy course has separate examinations
Supplemental Content
Standing Asana Videos
Below are videos of most standing asana covered in the training
Up dog:
Down dog:
Surya Namaskara:
Uthita Trikonasana: adjustments:
Parivritta Trikonasana:
Uthita Parsvakonasana:
Prasarita Paddotanasana:
Uthita Hasta Padangustasana:
Ardha Baddha Padmottonasana:
Module 3: Explorations Into Theory & Practice
Key Focus
3rd, 4th, and 5th Limbs of Yoga
Hatha Yoga Shastras (Sacred Texts)
Seated Postures
Introduction to Backbending Postures
3.1 | Siva Samhita
3.2 | Hatha Yoga Pradipika
3.3 | Mudras
3.4 | Bandhas
3.5 | Seated Asana
3.6 | Backbending Asana
3.7 | Closing Asana
3.8 | Exam #3
Module 3 Overview
Required Materials
The Siva Samhita - any copy
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika - any copy
Suggested Materials
All Materials from Previous Modules
Independent Study Opportunities (w/ instructor permission)
Hatha Yoga Pradipika Asana Course
Headstands and Inversions Course
Module 3 | Lesson Plan
3.1 | Siva Samhita
3.2 | Hatha Yoga Pradipika
3.3 | Mudras
3.4 | Bandhas
3.5 | Seated Asana
3.6 | Backbending Asana
3.7 | Closing Asana
3.8 | Exam #3
Module 3.1 | Siva Samhita
Points of Focus
Understanding Hatha Yoga Traditions
One vs. Many (Purusha)
Fear and Perseverance
Module 3.2 | Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Points of Focus
Traditional Asana in Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga -or- Ashtanga Yoga
Module 3.3 | Mudras
Points of Focus
Mudras Mentioned in the Yoga Shastras
Module 3.4 | Bandhas
Points of Focus
Bandhas as “muscle locks”
Utilization of Bandhas throughout the Primary Series
Bandhas related to Breathing
Module 3.5 | Seated Asana
Points of Focus
Basic Seated Asana and Re-establishing Balance in Dandasana
Primary Series Asana in sets (4 hours each set):
Dandasana-Janu Sirsasana C
Marichyasana A-D
Navasana & Core Strength Building
Baddha Konasana-Setu Bandhasana
Dynamic Transitions (jump back, jump through)
Module 3.6 | Intro to Backbending Asana
Points of Focus
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog)
Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose)
Anatomical dynamics of healthy backbends
Apanic and Pranic Curves of the Spine
Using the Wall and/or Folding Chairs with Backbends
Module 3.7 | Closing Asana
Points of Focus
Sarvangasana (shoulderstand)
Sirsasana (headstand)
Ashtanga Closing Sequence
Module 3.8 | Exam #3
Exam Topics
Siva Samhita
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Mudras and Bandhas
Primary Series (seated asana) of Ashtanga Yoga
Supplemental Content
Primary Series Asana Videos
Marichyasana A:
Marichyasana C:
Baddha Konasana:
Supta Kurmasana:
Upavistha Konasana:
Urdva Dhanurasana:
Module 4: Modern Masters and Refined Methods
Key Focus
8 Limbs of Yoga in Modern Systems
Legacies of Modern Masters
The Lineage of the Great T. Krishnamacharya
Intermediate Series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
4.1 | Lineage
4.2 | T. Krishnamacharya
4.3 | TKV Desikachar
4.4 | BKS Iyengar
4.5 | Sri K Pattabhi Jois
4.6 | Intermediate Series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
4.7 | Inverted Asana
4.8 | Exam #4
Module 4 Overview
Required Materials
Select at least one from the Suggested Materials List below based on preference.
Suggested Materials
Yoga Makaranda by T Krishnamacharya (click here)
Yogasanagaulu by T Krishnamacharya
Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health by BKS Iyengar (click here)
Yoga Mala by Pattabhi Jois
The Heart of Yoga by TKV Desikachar (click here)
Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar (click here)
The Yoga of the Yogi by Kaustub Desikachar (click here)
Module 4 | Lesson Plan
4.1 | Lineage
4.2 | T. Krishnamacharya
4.3 | TKV Desikachar
4.4 | BKS Iyengar
4.5 | Sri K Pattabhi Jois
4.6 | Intermediate Series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
4.7 | Inverted Asana
4.8 | Exam #4
Module 4.1 | Lineage
Points of Focus
Guru Parampara
Modern Lineage
Local Yoga Schools Movement
Module 4.2 | Krishnamacharya
Points of Focus
Life and Background on T. Krishnamacharya
Social Justice from a Brahmin Rebel
Yoga for the World
Indian Nationalism
Module 4.3 | TKV Desikachar
Points of Focus
Family Tradition of Yogic Scholars
Yoga Chikitsa
Module 4.4 | BKS Iyengar
Points of Focus
Refinement of Asana Alignment
Asana using Props
Asana for Disease Prevention and Treatment
“Single Asana” Theory; Asana as Samadhi
Module 4.5 | Sri K Pattabhi Jois
Points of Focus
Lineage of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga in Mysore, India
Ashtanga vs. “Power” Yoga
Teaching only in Sanskrit
Vedic and Saivite Influences in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
Sexual Assault
Module 4.6 | Intermediate Series Asana
Points of Focus
Traditional Intermediate “Second” Series of Ashtanga
Isolated Intermediate Postures
Module 4.7 | Inversions
Points of Focus
Basic Inversions
Downward Dog
Viparita Kalani
Arm Balances
Module 4.8 | Exam #4
Exam Topics
Note: Exam #4 will allow students to choose to focus on one of the modern yoga masters, their legacy, and teaching.
Module 5: Professional Yoga Teaching
Key Focus
Teaching the 8 Limbs of Yoga
Student Teaching Sessions
Adaptations for Students with Disabilities
Ethics & Social Justice
Social Justice and Yoga
Accounting & Finance
Local School Sustainability
5.1 | Social Justice
5.2 | Sustainable Asana
5.3 | Vinyasa Krama
5.4 | Asana Adjustments
5.5 | Student Teaching
5.6 | Asana Adaptations
5.7 | Ethical Standards
5.8 | Sexual Assault Awareness
Module 5 Overview
Required Materials
Yoga Alliance Code of Ethics (click here to download)
Yoga Alliance Sexual Assault Resources (click here)
Suggested Materials
Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism by Chogyam Trungpa
A Blue Fire by James Hillman
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Essential Rumi by Jalal Al-Adin Rumi and Coleman Barks
Brand You by John Purkiss and David Royston-Lee
Blue Ocean Strategy
Mohandas Ghandi autobiography “The Story of My Experiments with Truth”
Independent Study Opportunities (w/ instructor permission)
Module 5.1 | Social Justice
Points of Focus
Karma Yoga
Bhakti Yoga
Promoting Equality
Local Business Philanthropy
Racism Awareness
Module 5.2 | Sustainability
Points of Focus
Teacher-Student Relationship
Marketing Yourself
Public Reputation w/ Social Media
Avoiding Conflict
Maintaining Integrity
Module 5.3 | Vinyasa Krama
Points of Focus
The Vinyasa Krama of T. Krishnamacharya
Sequence Based Group Fitness Public Teaching
Private Instruction
Module 5.4 | Adjustments
Points of Focus
Physical Adjustments
Advanced Adjustments
Mysore Class Adjustments
Verbal Adjustments
Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication
Module 5.5 | Student Teaching
Points of Focus
Short, Intermediate, and Long Form Student Teaching Sequences
Constructive Feedback Sessions
Demographics, Archetypes, and Customer Segment Designs
Social Anxiety
Module 5.6 | Adaptations
Points of Focus
Adapting Asanas using Props
Adapting Sequences
Group Class Etiquette for Less Fit Students
Covid-19 Protocol
Online Teaching
Module 5.7 | Ethical Standards
Points of Focus
Professional Ethics for Yoga Teachers
Yoga Alliance Standards
Avoiding Bias
Racism and Bigotry
Social Stratification and Equality
Module 5.8 | Sexual Assault
Points of Focus
Yoga Teachers that have Committed Sexual Assault
Inquiries into the Cause of Power Abuse
Trauma Awareness
Awareness and Methods for Victims
Local and National Sexual Assault Resources
Module 5.10 | Mohandas Gandhi
Points of Focus
Civil Disobedience
Lifestyle & Personal Ethics
Module 5.11 | Exam #5
Exam Topics
Social Justice